- 17th April
- 18th April
08:00-09:00 | Registration |
09:00-11:30 | Morning session. Breast cancer - evolution of concepts and approaches. Chairmen: prof. Kuten A., Bernstein Z. |
09:00-09:10 | Welcome words, concept, operating procedure. Vinnytska A. |
09:10-09:40 | From maximal tolerable to minimal effective therapy – the history of breast cancer management. Kuten A., Israel, 30 min |
09:40-10:10 | Breast cancer as a molecular disease: tailoring strategy to tumor biology. Gligorov J., France, 30 min |
10:10-10:40 | Update on neoadjuvant chemo/ hormonal therapy of breast cancer: survival benefit? Gligorov J., France, 30 min |
10:40-11:10 | Radiotherapy of breast cancer. Overview of the methods related news. Poortmans P., Netherlands, 30 min |
11:10-11:20 | Optimal model of organization to assist patients with breast cancer. Zhygulin A., 10 min |
11:20-11:30 | Discussion 10 min |
11:30-12:00 | Coffee break |
12:00-14:40 | Noon session. Stage of diagnosis and choice of treatment algorithm. Chairmen: Poortmans P., prof. Sedakov I. |
12:00-12:15 | Applied aspects of Breast MRI. Bozhok E., 15 min |
12:15-12:30 | PET CT in breast cancer diagnostic and staging. Kmetjuk Y., Moskalets A., 15 min |
12:30-12:50 | Breast conservation or breast ablation? Oncological and surgical aspects. Anikousko N., 20 min |
12:50-13:10 | The influence of oncoplastic surgery on target volume delineation and outcome. Poortmans P., Netherlands, 20 min |
13:10-13:25 | Radiological aspects of preoperative management of patients with breast cancer. Vinnitska D., 15 min |
13:25-13:55 | Management of regional lymph nodes: from traditions to evidence based medicine. Poortmans P., Netherlands, 30 min |
13:55-14:10 | Treatment of primary breast cancer in the presence of metastatic disease. prof. Kuten A., Israel, 15 min |
14:10-14:25 | Onfertility in breast cancer patients. The decision-making algorithm before starting of the treatment. prof. Feskov A., 15 min |
14:25-14:40 | Discussion 15 min |
14:40-15:30 | Lunch |
15:30-19:15 | Evening session. Surgery. Chairmen: prof. Sedakov I., Scheflan M. |
15:30-15:45 | Aesthetics aspects of the breast surgery. From the past to the future. Sedakov I., 15 min |
15:45-16:00 | Breast anatomy from the oncoplastic surgeon point of view. Sazhienko V., 15 min |
16:00-16:15 | SLNB. Method’s view, technical aspects, experience of LISSOD. Palitsa V., 15 min |
16:15-16:30 | Direct hromolimfografy using methylene blue during SNB. Oncology clinic’s experience of the Bogomolets National Medical University. Zotov A., Postupalenko A., 15 min |
16:30-16:45 | Re-visiting the surgical margins. Bondarenko V., 15 min |
16:45-17:15 | Oncoplastic approach to breastconserving surgery. Zhygulin A., 30 min |
17:15-17:30 | Method oncoplastic breast resection. Experience of oncology department of the Ternopol National Medical University. prof. Galaychuk I., 15 min |
17:30-17:45 | Local flaps in lateral section reconstruction. Zhygulin A., 15 min |
17:45-18:05 | Skin-sparing, skin-reducing and nipple-sparing mastectomies, oncological and surgical aspects. Scheflan M., Israel, 20 min |
18:05-18:20 | Goldilock-mastectomy – «third» way in breast reconstructive surgery? Zhygulin A., 15 min |
18:20-18:40 | Implant choice in implant-based reconstruction. Scheflan M., Israel, 20 min |
18:40-19:15 | Discussion 35 min |
19:30-21:30 | Coctail |
08:00-09:00 | Registration |
09:00-10:45 | Morning session. Treatment experience. Chairmen: prof. Sedakov I., Scheflan M. |
09:00-09:15 | Reconstructive and plastic surgery. Experience of Kharkiv oncological hospital. Fomina S., 15 min |
09:15-09:30 | Oncoplastic surgery of the breast. Kyiv. Central municipal oncological hospital. Anikousko M., 15 min |
09:30-09:45 | Oncoplastic surgery of the breast. Kyiv. Private oncological hospital “Innovation”. Petah A., 15 min |
09:45-10:00 | Intraoperative radiotherapy. The first Ukrainian experience. Krasnopolska O., 15 min |
10:00-10:15 | Oncoplastic surgery of the breast. Odessa National Medical University. Zavoloka O., 15 min |
10:15-10:30 | Experience of radiosurgery and IMRT-radiotherapy in the treatment of distant metastases breast cancer. Chebotareva T., 15 min |
10:30-10:45 | Discussion 15 min |
10:45-11:15 | Coffee break |
11:15-13:15 | Noon session. New technologies in reconstructive breast surgery. Complications in breast surgery. Chairmen: Andree C., prof. Khrapach V. |
11:15-11:35 | Single-stage implant-based reconstructions with ADM or tissue reinforcement Matrix. Video presentation. Scheflan M., Israel, 20 min |
11:35-11:50 | Single-stage implant-based reconstructions with ADM. LISSOD’s experience. Zhygulin A., 15 min |
11:50-12:05 | Early and late complications in implant based immediate breast reconstruction. Avoidance and management. Scheflan M., Israel, 15 min |
12:05-12:25 | Early and late complications in BCS. Avoidance and managing. Zhygulin A., 20 min |
12:25-12:45 | Late lymphostasis. Surgical options. prof. Drjuk M., 20 min |
12:45-13:00 | Complications after injected gel augmentation. Managing algorithm. prof. Khrapach V., 15 min |
13:00-13:15 | Discussion 15 min |
13:15-13:45 | Coffee break |
13:45-16:30 | Evening session. After surgery. Adjuvant therapy and rehabilitation. Chairmen: Bernstein Z., prof. Khrapach V. |
13:45-14:15 | Principals of adjuvant therapy of breast cancer – chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, Oncotype DX. Last news. Kazarin O., 30 min |
14:15-14:45 | Lipographting in reconstructive breast surgery. Sazhienko V., 30 min |
14:45-15:00 | Corrections with DIEP-flaps after breast-conserving surgery. Andree C., Germany, 15 min |
15:00-15:20 | Symmetrized operations after breast surgery. Khrapach V., 20 min |
15:20-15:40 | Non-surgical complication after breast surgery. Physiotherapeutic patients’ aftercare. Prevention, early and late aftercare algorithms. Belova O., 20 min |
15:40-15:55 | The role of massage in the treatment and rehabilitation of the patients with breast cancer. Rybak N., 15 min |
15:55-16:15 | Psychology in oncology: the area of optimal approach. Chaban O., 20 min |
16:15-16:30 | Discussion 15 min |
16:30-17:00 | Sizing up. The final word. Vinnytska A., prof. Sedakov I. |
Presentation of certificates, filling in forms. |
The fundamental changes happened in perceptions of breast cancer nature for the last
20 years. The conceptions of Breast cancer diagnostic and treatment essentially changed
with accent on improvement of the quality of patients’ life. Modern knowledge and
technologies make possible to save or reconstruct the breast, obtaining good esthetic
results without deterioration of oncology principles. The new strategy improves treatment
results and living standards.
Our conference is an attempt to show and discuss the high-profile issues in breast cancer
surgery area, modern tendencies and technologies, practical questions of assistance and
aftercare to breast cancer patients to get better results.
The main principals of this conference are openness, cooperation, maximum of usability
and high level of discussion based on evidence-based medicine.